Part 3. Windows security: reconnaissance of Active Directory environment with BloodHound.

Collecting information about the domain environment with SharpHound A program that collects domain environment data – SharpHound is a component of the BloodHound tool. The collection of environmental data starts when SharpHound.exe is run on one of the computers. The entire BloodHound package can be downloaded (Figure 32) from the address: After downloading and …

IT Infrastructure Reconnaissance – Part 3

In the previous parts of this series, I talked about various types of web engines useful in reconnaissance phase, and curiosities, which can be found with their help. During real tests, it can be different; sometimes, this phase can create critical errors. Often, however, it is possible to obtain only residual information about the target …

Nmap and 12 useful NSE scripts

Nmap is the most popular free security scanner developed by Gordon Lyon (f.f. Fyodor Vaskovich). The first version of Nmapa was published on October 1, 1997, in the online magazine, Phrack. For those interested in the beginnings of this scanner, here is a full article that shows the capabilities and source code of the first …

IT infrastructure reconnaissance – part 1 (Google hacking)

The basis of web application or infrastructure security tests is a reconnaissance, i.e. the collection of all subdomains, IP addresses, and other publicly available information. It is a good practice to use several tools simultaneously during the reconnaissance, which of course, will greatly increase the effectiveness of this testing phase – information omitted by one …