XSS in WordPress via open embed auto discovery

Introduction Users often assume that known software is free of security flaws because it has been checked by a sufficient number of tools and security testers. However, this is not an assumption that a pentester or bug hunter can afford to make. Vulnerabilities may lurk in various places, and finding an interesting bug often requires …

Amazon once again lost control (for 3 hours) over the IP pool in a BGP Hijacking attack

Last month, Amazon lost control of its cloud-based IP address pool for more than three hours, which allowed cyber criminals to steal $235,000 from users of one of AWS’s customers. Using BGP hijacking, hackers gained control over a pool of 256 IP addresses. Briefly describing the BGP protocol, it is a backbone – the basis …

SOCMINT – or rather OSINT of social media

SOCMINT is the process of gathering and analyzing the information collected from various social networks, channels and communication groups in order to track down an object, gather as much partial data as possible, and potentially to understand its operation. All this in order to analyze the collected information and to achieve that goal by making …

Part 3. Windows security: reconnaissance of Active Directory environment with BloodHound.

Collecting information about the domain environment with SharpHound A program that collects domain environment data – SharpHound is a component of the BloodHound tool. The collection of environmental data starts when SharpHound.exe is run on one of the computers. The entire BloodHound package can be downloaded (Figure 32) from the address: https://github.com/BloodHoundAD/BloodHound/releases After downloading and …

Part 1. Windows security: reconnaissance of Active Directory environment with BloodHound.

Windows security: reconnaissance of Active Directory environment with BloodHound. In this article we will take a closer look at the BloodHound tool – Six Degrees of Domain Admin. The application was developed in JavaScript and built using the Electron platform. The graphical visualization uses the Neo4j database. During the experiment, we will use a Windows …

Remote code execution by fail2ban

In this article we will discuss a recently published vulnerability in quite popular software – fail2ban (CVE-2021-32749). Under the right conditions, this bug could be exploited to achieve code execution with root privileges. Luckily, it is difficult for a “normal” attacker to achieve. This vulnerability is rooted in a way the mail command from the …

Detecting threats to wireless networks with a free IDS-class tool: nzyme

Nzyme is a new Open Source software, created in a spare time by CTO Graylog Lennart Koopmann. In March this year, version 1.0 of “Kyle Canyon” was released. Nzyme is used to detect threats to wireless networks and belongs to the family of Wireless Intrusion Detection System (WIDS). This is probably the most interesting and …

Art of bug bounty: a way from JS file analysis to XSS

Summary: During my research on other bug bounty program I’ve found Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability in cmp3p.js file, which allows attacker to execute arbitrary javascript code in context of domain that include mentioned script. Below you can find the way of finding bug bounty vulnerabilities from the beginning to the end, which includes: In depth analysis …

How to secure WordPress – step by step guide

The decision about which software we will use for a selected purpose is often made on the basis of an analysis of the time needed for its implementation and the total number of functions that this system will provide us with. However, it is likely that where comfort and time is a priority, safety will …

Unordinary methods used in phishing attacks

Introduction In recent years phishing has evolved very much. The emergence of many new techniques – and therefore the modification of available solutions – has taken this type of attack to a higher level. Attackers increasingly use e-mail, websites or private messages in instant messengers to distribute it. In this article I will try to …